Guardamar InformationGiving information for Guardamar |
Spanish words and Spanish phrases - English and Spanish translations - Guardamar |
Dictionary - English to Spanish Example 1, on the list below you can see that the word for 'sweet' is 'caramelo', which has an (m) after it. This means that the word 'caramelo' is male. If you want to say 'a sweet' you would precede the word 'caramelo' with 'un' meaning 'a': 'un caramelo'. Or if you wanted to say 'the sweet' you would precede the word 'caramelo' with 'el' meaning 'the':'el caramelo'. Example 2, you see that on the list below, the word for 'cake' is 'tarta', which has an (f) after it. This means that the word 'tarta' is female. If you want to say 'a cake' you would precede the word 'tarta' with 'una' meaning 'a': 'una tarta'. Or if you wanted to say 'the cake' you would precede the word 'tarta' with 'la' meaning 'the': 'la tarta'. Food - Comida Office - Oficina |
Greetings and farewells - Saludos y despedidas
Days of the week - Días de la semana
Months of the year - Meses del ano
Directions - Direcciones |
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