Guardamar, on the Costa Blanca in sunny Spain Guardamar, on the Costa Blanca in sunny Spain

Guardamar Information

Giving information for Guardamar

Spanish words and Spanish phrases - English and Spanish translations - Guardamar

Dictionary - English to Spanish
After some of the words that are listed below you will see either (m) or (f). This is to indicate if the word is male (m) or female (f).

Example 1, on the list below you can see that the word for 'sweet' is 'caramelo', which has an (m) after it. This means that the word 'caramelo' is male. If you want to say 'a sweet' you would precede the word 'caramelo' with 'un' meaning 'a': 'un caramelo'. Or if you wanted to say 'the sweet' you would precede the word 'caramelo' with 'el' meaning 'the':'el caramelo'.

Example 2, you see that on the list below, the word for 'cake' is 'tarta', which has an (f) after it. This means that the word 'tarta' is female. If you want to say 'a cake' you would precede the word 'tarta' with 'una' meaning 'a': 'una tarta'. Or if you wanted to say 'the cake' you would precede the word 'tarta' with 'la' meaning 'the': 'la tarta'.

Food - Comida
Apple - Manzana (f.)
Banana - Plátano (m.)
Beef - Carne (f.)
Bread - Pan (m.)
Broccoli - Brécol (m.)
Butter - Mantequilla (f.)
Cake - Tarta (f.)
Cheese - Queso (m.)
Chicken - Pollo (m.)
Chips - Patata fritas (f.)
Coffee - Café (m.)
Dessert - Postre (m.)
Garlic - Ajo (m.)
Meat - Carne (f.)
Onion - Cebolla (f.)
Orange - Naranja (f.)
Pear - Pera (f.)
Pepper - Pimienta (f.)
Pineapple - Piña (f.)
Pork - Cerdo (m.)
Potato - Patata (f.)
Rice - Arroz (m.)
Salt - Sal (f.)
Sugar - Azúcar (m.)
Sweet - Caramelo (m.)
Tea - Té (m.)
Tomato - Tomate (m.)

Office - Oficina
Book - Libro (m.)
Computer - Ordenador (m.)
Filing cabinet - Archivero (m.)
Folder - Carpeta (f.)
Ink - Tinta (f.)
Keyboard - Teclado (m.)
Letter - Carta (f.)
Monitor - Monitor (m.)
Mouse - Ratón (m.)
Paper - Papel (m.)
Pen - Bolígrafo (m.)
Pencil - Lápiz (m.)
Printer - Impresora (f.)
Scissors - Tijeras (f.)

Greetings and farewells - Saludos y despedidas
Hello - Hola
Goodbye - Adiós
Good luck - Buena suerte
Good evening / night - Buenas noches
Good afternoon - Buenas tardes
Good morning - Buenos días
Congratulations - Felicidades
See you later - Hasta luego / hasta la vista
See you tomorrow - Hasta mañana

Days of the week - Días de la semana
Monday - Lunes
Tuesday - Martes
Wednesday - Miércoles
Thursday - Jueves
Friday - Viernes
Saturday - Sábado
Sunday - Domingo

Months of the year - Meses del ano
January - Enero
February - Febrero
March - Marzo
April - Abril
May - Mayo
June - Junio
July - Julio
August - Agosto
September - Septiembre
October - Octubre
November - Noviembre
December - Diciembre

Directions - Direcciones
Down - Abajo
To the north - Al norte
To the east - Al oriente / al este
To the west - Al poniente / al oeste
To the south - Al sur
Up - Arriba
Turn right - De vuelta a la derecha
Turn left - De vuelta a la izquierda
Go straight - Siga recto

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