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The weather in Guardamar, on the Costa Blanca in Spain |
The 10 day weather forecast for Guardamar, on
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Website owners - If you own a website and would like the visitors to your website to see the 10 day weather forecasts above, just include the code below in the HTML part of your website, in the home page if possible. If you're unsure on how to do it, just email to Linking to the weather in Guardamar <a href=""> The weather in Guardamar - The weather in Guardamar is very stable, with relatively mild temperatures in winter and the hotter months being July and August. Weather-wise, two very good times of the year to take a holiday on the Costa Blanca, are from April to June, and from October to December, these are quite mild times of the year, with temperatures ranging from 20 to 27 degrees. It's also quite normal to see people sunbathing in November, December, March and April. When looking at the weather on the Costa Blanca, it's good to remember that Guardamar has a micro-climate which marks it out from other neighbouring towns and the close proximity of two salt lakes work in favour of excellent climatic conditions, helping to ease the symptoms of asthma, eczema, rheumatism and arthritis and with over 300 sunny days a year, you're never too far from the sunshine! As a rough guesstimate, whatever the temperatures are in the UK, it will be approximately 10 degrees warmer on the Costa Blanca. To see what the weather on the Costa Blanca is like today and the rest of the year just click on the following link,
The weather on the Costa Blanca
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